A review of TELEMAC-2D numerical schemes for modelling two-dimensional free surface flows
We review the numerical scheme of the open-sourcesoftware TELEMAC-2D for the two-dimensional shallow waterequations for flood forecasting. The TELEMAC-MASCAREThydro-informatics system is an open-source software suite that isdesigned to model a wide range of free-surface flow phenomenain both river and maritime hydraulics. Since the start ofthe TELEMAC project in 1987, TELEMAC-MASCARET hasundergone numerous updates that have made it a widely usedtool for engineering applications in hydraulics. We provide acomprehensive discussion of the mathematical model and itsboundary conditions; we discuss the temporal discretizationwhich is based on a time-splitting approach; we present thespatial discretization based on the finite element method; finally,we describe the correction step for handling wet-dry fronts.